Season 11 Finale

After eleven amazing episodes, we had finally reached the season finale of Season 11 of The Masked Singer! As I had enjoyed all the other episodes this season, I was sure that the finale was going to be amazing as well. As there were only two contestants left at this point, I knew that how it was going to work would be that both contestants would get two songs to perform, and I was excited to see how they were both going to wrap up their time on the show. 

The episode started off in one of the most unique ways imaginable, as it started with Goldfish and Gumball descending to the stage from the ceiling on suspended platforms. From there, it was time for the first performance of the night, which was Gumball. In place of a clue package, he talked about what his time on the show has meant to him. He said that the experience had been unreal, and that it was wonderful to show what he is capable of musically. He then said that in his life, he has had to fight in order to be seen, and that he has tried to do something thousands of times and only been successful at a handful of them, which is considered a victory in Hollywood. He then said that he has been on TV for almost two decades and being on The Masked Singer was the first time he got to show who he really is. He then said that the journey changed everything for him, and that he doesn’t want to stop doing this on the other side of the show because it brings him so much joy. He then went on to give an amazing performance of “Latch” by Disclosure featuring Sam Smith, during which he showed off the many abilities that he has, such as belting, dancing, and beatboxing, and I knew that Goldfish would have to really bring it with her two performances. After that, the panelists discussed all the guesses that they had made for him so far, before settling on what could be their final guesses. As they made their guesses, none of them said Scott Porter, so I was convinced that what was going to happen was either somebody would guess correctly at the last minute, or they were never going to guess correctly at all, which is what I was leaning more towards. 

After that it was time Goldfish’s first performance of the night. While discussing her journey on the show, she said that she loved being able to swim into new territories. She then said that as a little girl, she was never great at expressing herself, as it’s not something she grew up around, but lately she has been on a journey of self-discovery and being on the show allowed her to express herself freely. She then said that she comes from a working-class family that has no connection to Hollywood, so she feels that there is no reason she should have made it, but she is proof that with enough love, hard work, and dedication, you can do anything. She said that she is proud of her performances, and that she can’t wait to have kids, so that she can show them her performing on the show. She also said that being on the show in the finale made her emotional because she has always thought of herself as an actress first, and that singing has always come second to her, and doing The Masked Singer is her way of giving everyone a music moment, and the response has made her want it to never end. She then went on to give an amazing performance of “Heart of Glass” by Blondie, which was in my opinion, the perfect song for her as it allowed her to show off the power in her voice. After that, the panelists discussed their journey of guesses throughout the season for Goldfish. During this discussion, Rita said who her guess was, which was the correct guess of Vanessa Hudgens. The amount of confidence that she had in her guess also made me wonder if she would be able to convince any of the other panelists to change their guesses to Vanessa Hudgens when it was time for her to unmask. 

After that, it was time for the second performances of Gumball and Goldfish. But before it happened, Nick said that they needed one thing to make it a real finale, and asked Rita to press the blue button, which triggered one last Prime delivery. When the box was opened, what was inside was revealed to be the Golden Mask Trophy. After that, it was time for Gumball’s final performance of the season. He gave an amazing performance of “Renegade” by Styx, which I feel was the perfect song for him to show off his belting ability and how much power he has in his voice. Afterwards, he said that the performance was about his folks, who were in a rock band, but couldn’t pay the bills through their artistry, so they worked hard, either 40, 60, or 80 hours a week just to get to the weekend so they could do what they love and perform on stage. He then said that he now realizes why it was so special to them, because he knew that tomorrow he would go back to his day job.

After that, it was time for the final performance of the season which was from Goldfish. She performed “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me” by Elton John, which was a more emotional performance, and perfect for her voice as she started soft but began belting at the chorus. After the performance, Nick commented on how she got everyone emotional, and she replied by saying “it’s the power of music.” She then said that the experience had been incredible and special for her, and it also surprised her as not everybody knows what she actually does, and the fact that all the panelists had seen her for what she loves doing lit a fire under her. Then, Jenny went out of her way to thank Rita for joining the panel this season, and Rita emotionally thanked the other panelists for being welcoming to her on the show.

After that, it was time to announce the winner of the season, but before that could happen, Nick gave one final clue, which was that this was not the first time Gumball and Goldfish were costars on camera. When I first searched Scott Porter and saw that he and Vanessa Hudgens starred in the movie “Bandslam” together, I had a feeling that they were going to bring it up at some point during the show. After that, Nick announced that the winner of Season 11 was The Goldfish, which I feel was well deserved, but I feel that it easily could have gone either way. Before she was unmasked, it was time to unmask Gumball. After the panelists all made their final guesses, they were all revealed to be wrong, as he was revealed to be actor and singer Scott Porter, and Rita even said that she was so close with her original guess of Taylor Kitsch from “Friday Night Lights,” and that she should have followed her gut. He then talked about how he didn’t even know he could sing as well as he could, as he had no actual training, as he started singing on street corners in Orlando, and auditioned for two straight years for Disney, and couldn’t book a role. Nick then said that Scott Porter can do everything, and that he even coaches his son’s little league team, which I found to be an incredible coincidence.

After that, it was time to unmask The Goldfish, and it was clear that Rita was confident that it was Vanessa Hudgens. Much like I initially guessed, she was able to convince another panelist that it was her, as Jenny changed her guess to Vanessa Hudgens. She then unmasked, and Rita and Jenny were revealed to be correct, as she was revealed to be Vanessa Hudgens. She explained to Rita that this was why she couldn’t hang out with her recently and why she wasn’t texting her back. She then said that she had no idea that being The Goldfish would give her the freedom to do something that she loved, and it has been so long since she was able to do that. Nick and the panelists then went on to say that it was their best finale ever, and I agreed with them.

Overall, this was an amazing season of The Masked Singer! There were some great costumes, there were many great celebrities that were part of it, and we got a ton of great performances from almost everybody! I hope you all enjoyed my writeups of every episode! Season 12 is going to be filming throughout the month of June, and I plan to do writeups of every episode once it starts! Until then, I will be doing more blog posts of celebrities that would be perfect for the show! 


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