TV Theme Night

With three amazing episodes to start off the season, it was going to be interesting to see how they continued with each group, especially since we were going to be sticking with Group C who we had just met, rather than going back to Group A. It was also interesting to see that they brought back a theme night from a previous season, which was TV Theme Night, which I was surprised by, as while I enjoyed it the first time when they had it in Season 8, I didn’t think it was the best episode that season, so I was curious to see how they would pull it off this time. The episode began in one of the best ways that it could, as it opened with all four panelists performing the theme song to “Gilligan’s Island,” and they were all on a prop of a boat and dressed as characters from the show. Ken was dressed as Gilligan, Robin was dressed as The Skipper, Jenny was dressed as Ginger, Rita was dressed as Mary Ann, and Nick was dressed as The Millionaire. From there, we went to the first performer of t...