The Masked Singer Broadcast Channel

On February 22, I received a notification in my Instagram from the official account for The Masked Singer that said they were inviting me to join their broadcast channel. This was a notification that I had seen before from other accounts that I follow, but I just ignored them because they didn’t seem important, and they were for people that I didn’t know. This was different though, because I was being asked to join a broadcast channel for my favorite show.

While I didn’t know what it meant at first, I thought it was cool being invited to a channel by the account for the show, so I accepted it, and I was excited that they chose to invite me because it made me think that they had noticed all the times I had commented on their posts. Immediately after I accepted the invitation, I got a message welcoming me to the channel that also said they would be sharing Season 11 updates, behind the scenes content, and exclusive looks at the season. This caught my attention, as I have been desperately waiting for new information for the season, and it made me feel special as I would be among a certain group of people that had exclusive access to what they would be sharing. A few minutes after sending that message, they sent another message welcoming the new judge Rita Ora to the show. A minute after sending that message, they showed me why it was a great idea joining the broadcast channel, as they sent a new trailer for the season that has not been shared to any of their social media accounts. 

This trailer was all about welcoming Rita Ora to the show, and it also shared a few clips of the season. The first thing it showed was a sideways shot of The Starfish walking to the stage for the first time. Then it showed The Ugly Sweater entering the stage for the first time by being pushed out on what looks like a sofa made of yarn, which could imply that this is somebody who is older. Then it showed a brief clip of The Spaghetti, who due to other trailers, we know is going to be performing on Billy Joel Night and get unmasked on that night as well. Then it showed a clip of The Gumball, who thanks to another trailer, we know will be going far in the competition. Then it showed the scene of The Lizard standing next to Nick and resting his arm on his shoulder, which could mean that this might be someone who is friends with him. Then it showed The Goldfish and The Beets, before going into an introduction for Rita Ora. Then it showed that at the beginning of Girl Group Night, Rita and the other panelists will be singing “Wannabe” by The Spice Girls. Then it showed a clip of The Lizard, which also showed that he is going to be on Billy Joel Night. Then it showed a variety of clips of Rita and the other panelists dressed accordingly for the theme of the night. Then it showed the scene of Rita hitting the bell to save a contestant from elimination. Then it showed a clip of Gumball that showed that he will be performing on The Wizard of Oz Night, and he is also shown giving a gumball to Rita during his performance. Then it showed a few clips of Robin and Jenny talking about how great Rita is, with a shot of The Ugly Sweater thrown in there. Then it showed a clip of the finale, with Rita holding the Golden Mask trophy and aggressively saying to Ken “Do not drop this.” Then it showed Rita talking about how much she enjoyed working with the other three panelists. During this part, it also showed a better look at The Wizard of Oz Night, which showed Rita dressed as Dorothy, Ken dressed as The Cowardly Lion, Jenny dressed as The Good Witch, Robin dressed as The Wizard, the panelists skipping down a yellow brick road, and on the stage is a house that landed on The Wicked Witch, and a dog that is supposed to be Toto. 

This exclusive trailer made me happy that I accepted the invite to the broadcast channel, and it has me looking forward to both what else they will be sharing leading up to March 6, and the season itself! I will be sharing with you all the new information that I find out in the coming days and weeks!


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