Soundtrack Of My Life Night

After an amazing return to Group B with Girl Group Night, it was time for the Group B Finals with Soundtrack of My Life Night! This was a theme where the contestants performed songs that hold a special place in their hearts, and it was also a theme night last season that gave us three amazing performances, and with three more amazing contestants this time around, I was looking forward to this episode.

The episode started the same way as the other group finals this season, with a group performance among the three contestants, and they performed “It’s My Life” by Bon Jovi. I always enjoy these group performances, as it lets each contestant show off their vocal abilities together. After that, it was time for the first performer of the night, which was The Beets. In their clue package, they said that they chose to perform a powerful song about a single moment in your life that shows you what you’re capable of, and for them, that moment was when they each became fathers. One Beet said that he always wanted to be a dad, but he wasn’t sure that it would happen for him, so when he held his child for the first time, his world changed. The other Beet said that he realized the impact of every decision he made, and that it’s not a perfect road, as right now his kid repeats everything he says, so he has to be careful. The other Beet then said that he also has to be careful as he is currently teaching his son how to drive. The other Beet then said that they were going to go out and make a new pivotal moment by hitting those high notes. Visual clues included the Banana Split costume from Season 6, a clock that read 1:41 and had a thumbs up in the middle, and a knight. They then gave an amazing performance of “One Moment in Time” by Whitney Houston, where they showed off their incredible vocal ranges and harmonies. After this performance, I knew that the other two contestants were going to have to bring it in order to have a chance at going forward. An additional clue was then given, as a record was brought out that said “Fresh Beets with Nick – A Wild Night,” and then The Beets said that it was always good seeing Nick, and that they should grab a drink together again sometime soon. After that, the panelists made their guesses, and I was shocked that none of them said Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard. However, my uncle brought up a good point, which was that the panelists might not put them together the same way as their other guesses, which were all famous duos.

The second performer of the night was The Seal. In his clue package, he said that he was going to perform “It’s Tricky” by Run D.M.C., as he felt that it sums up his life. He then said that he has been in Hollywood since he was a child, and that there have been a lot of misconceptions about him, as he has been tagged with the bad boy badge since day one, and they still keep trying to stick it on him. He then said that he would love nothing more than for people to know the other sides of him, which are the softer, fuzzier ones, and that he is a family guy. He also said that he can still turn on the edge when the time comes, as it’s all about the balance, and that’s why he loves being here, as he gets the chance to show people that he is not what they may think. Visual clues included a ship with a heart on one of its sails, a zombie poster, a calendar with Friday circled, and a script for “Last Chapter: Win the Golden Mask.” He then gave a very good and entertaining performance of “It’s Tricky” by Run D.M.C., which is a rap song that he performed in the style of rock, which I feel fits the song perfectly considering that’s how it originally sounds. He also inserted Jenny’s name into the lyrics, which I thought was a fun addition. One moment during his performance that I found funny, which I only noticed because I had the closed captions on, was during one point in the song which has the words “tinted windows,” where The Seal messed up and said “winted tindows,” and recognized what he said and tried to recover at the end of the lyric, but managed to pull it back with the chorus one last time, which I found impressive. After the performance, a record was brought out that said “Sealed With a Kiss: A Tribute to Jenny – House Call.” He then said that it was fun hosting Jenny for a change because she has hosted him so many times, especially when it’s at his place. After that, Jenny doubled down on her guess from Girl Group Night, which was that The Seal was Corey Feldman, which I agreed with.

The third and final performer of the night was The Gumball. In his clue package, he said that the night before his first performance, he looked at his wife and said, “I can’t do this.” He knew the immense talent that had hit the stage before, and felt that he didn’t belong there, as he has always felt like he is pretending to be someone else. He then said that his family moved around a lot as a kid and, as the perpetual new guy, he would do anything to make friends. Even when he started performing on stage, he always felt out of place, as he had no formal training and no education, and he still gets those feelings to this day, despite some major successes. He then said that luckily, he has people around him who tell him to dig deep and carry on. Visual clues included an arcade game that included The Cow, Piglet, and Queen of Hearts costumes, a race car with an “X” on it, and a football. He then went on to give an amazing performance of “Carry On Wayward Son” by Kansas, during which he showed just how much power and emotion he has in his voice, which I found impressive because he is not known for being a singer, and like he said, he had no formal training or education. After his performance, an album was brought out that said “Sticky & Sweet: Ken’s Greatest Hits – Kenspiration.” Gumball then told Ken that one of the funniest jobs he has ever been a part of, he was involved as well. After all the clues from this episode, I am still confident that The Gumball is actor and singer Scott Porter. The arcade game could be referring to all the video games he has provided voices for, the racecar is referring to his role in the movie “Speed Racer,” the football is referring to his starring role on “Friday Night Lights,” and the funny job that he and Ken were both part of was doing voice work on the show “Robot Chicken.” 

After all three performances, it was time for the first unmasking of the night, and the singer with the least amount of votes was revealed to be The Seal. This did not surprise me, as while I thought that he was good at singing, Beets and Gumball were both better than him. After the panelists made their final guesses, Jenny and Robin were correct as The Seal was revealed to be Corey Feldman. What I found funny during the unmasking was that after the panelists made their final guesses, he literally dropped the microphone he was holding, he started trying to take his mask off early before Nick said that they had to do it correctly, and when he was unmasked, the costume still slightly covered the lower part of his face. 

After that, it was time for what I knew was going to be the closest Battle Royale of the series. Beets and Gumball were both amazing singers, and I knew that it could go either way. They then performed their own renditions of “I’ve Had The Time of My Life” by Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes. The Beets were up first, and I thought their rendition was amazing, but then Gumball performed, and I thought his rendition was also amazing, and I had no idea who was going to win. In the end, the singer who had won the Group B Finals was Gumball, which meant that it was time for The Beets to be unmasked. Much to my surprise, the panelists still didn’t make the correct guess, and were all shocked when they were revealed to be Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard. 

Overall, this was another amazing episode of Season 11 of The Masked Singer, and I’ll see you all next week with The Quarterfinals!


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